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Logo Telecom


I’m part of the computer science department of Telecom Lille 1, where I teach programming and software engineering.

Most slides and other teaching materials are in french.

Master level courses

Software Engineering (ILOG)

4th year.

Bachelor level courses

Computer Architecture (A23)

3rd year bachelor. Combinatorial and sequential logic, programming of control structures in assembly, using Borland Turbo-C. Intranet A23

OO Programming & Design (A43)

3rd year bachelor. Bases of object-oriented analysis & design, programming in Java & Eclipse. Intranet A43

Algorithms & Structured Programming (B23)

1st year bachelor. Algorithmic complexity, sorting algorithms, programming in C. Intranet B23

Distributed Applications (TA3)

3rd year bachelor. Distributed & web programming, remote objects; HTTP, Java RMI, Tomcat servlets. Intranet TA3

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Last updated on 2014-11-23.  Toggle hy-phe-na-ti-on.
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