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Curriculum Vitae

Work in progress!

Current position

2008–present: USTL, Lille (associate professor)


2007–2008: USI, Lugano (post-doc)

During the academic year 2007–2008, I was a post-doctorate researcher at the faculty of informatics of the university of Lugano, in the research group lead by Michele Lanza and working with PhD students Marco D’Ambros, Mircea Lungu, Romain Robbes, and Richard Wettel.

what did I do there Software change, logical coupling

2006–2007: Listic, Annecy (post-doc)


what did I do there Smalltalk, architecture extraction, software visualization

Education & Ph.D

2005: Irisa, Rennes (PhD)

my advisor was Pr. Jean-Marc Jézéquel menrt fellowship

triskell, inria Eiffel, UML, Java, meta-modeling, model transformation, kermeta


2001: Insa, Rennes (CS engineering)

DEA/master, gerson

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